
If you're going to be in a relationship, be in a one!
Teaching you practical, simple and effective tools, skills and mindset to radically strengthen and grow your relationship in just minutes a day.
Imagine if...
Instead of saying "it's fine" {sigh} when talking about your relationship, you say "it's fantastic", and meant it with all your heart?
Imagine if you knew without a doubt that when you hit bumpy times in your relationship, you had all the tools you needed to navigate them so that your relationship ended up even stronger?
Imagine if creating that great marriage full of partnership, passion and play wasn't nearly as difficult as you thought it might be.
Imagine if your marriage was your favorite place to be? What kind of life would that be?
Would you want THAT kind of relationship?
If so, you're in the right place.
Relationship Revolution

Real Talk
Let's get real about relationships & marriage. Most of us weren't taught how to create strong, meaningful marriages.
For most of us, the best role models we had were our parents.
For some of you, that taught you more about what you don't want from a marriage than what you do want, but that certainly didn't teach you how to do marriage well.
And for others, your parents may have seemingly had a perfect marriage, but that probably wasn't realistic, and so you also didn't learn how to handle conflict or deal with challenges in marriage.
In fact, most of us are just winging it and so it often just feels really hard.
​What if . . .
it didn't have to be so hard?
Let's Start with the Basics
Ultimately, it starts with this: "Do the easy things first, then the other come more easily."
What does this mean?
It means that we need to learn some fundamental tools, behaviors, and skills FIRST, before we jump into things like how childhood trauma impacts our relationship, or what type of attachment style we have.
Now, these things are important, but think of it like this: Most coaches and therapists jump right into the 3000 level course of "How to create a great relationship" with the assumption that you've done the 1000 and 2000 level classes.
Of course it's going to feel overwhelming and scary to go into that room to have those conversations.
And of course we aren't even going to understand what they are trying to tell/teach us as it feels too complicated, too deep, too vulnerable, too much of a gap to close.
Trust me, I know. I've been in that therapists office myself.
So here at Relationship Revolution, we want to help you strengthen your marriage by teaching you the fundamentals of creating a great relationship - at your pace, in a way that works for you.
These are easy, actionable (not theory) steps you can take to improve every aspect of your relationship, and you get to tailor them to work for you.
And unlike other therapists and coaches, you get to do this on your terms - where you want, when you want, and with whom you want with our DIY courses and programs, so that you can truly learn in a safe environment, at your own pace, when it's most convenient for you.
And as you learn and implement these tools and skills, your relationship will improve, and when you are ready to move to the next level, we'll be here to support you in that one too!