Relationship Revolution
In Your Pocket

Creating a great relationship isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be as hard as many of us think it is!
Let us make it even EASIER - with a daily text of inspiration or a tip, trick, hack or reminder that will strengthen and level-up your relationship.
This is guided coaching in your pocket, in small, actionable, do-able steps.
Many of us weren't taught how to create great relationships that last a lifetime, and so we are just winging it.
Some of us don't have the time, money or energy to go all in with coaching or counseling.
Lots of the guru's in social media share great theory, but they don't share how to actually put the theory into practice so that it makes a difference in YOUR relationship.
So stop winging it, struggling, or settling for a "meh" relationship or marriage. If you're going to be in a relationship, it should be a GREAT one!
Revolutionize your own marriage by signing up and having all the coaching in your pocket.

We are all busy, and have lots on our minds these days, so let me help you not just maintain your relationship, but strengthen it, up-level it from wherever it is right now, whether that's from a bumpy spot, or a smooth-sailing spot. There is ALWAYS an opportunity to make your relationship even BETTER - better partnership, better passion, and even better play!
And it's the simplest, most convenient, most inconspicuous way possible.
It's simply via a text each weekday. You will have these ideas always "in your pocket" (or your purse), and always as handy to you as your phone!
These texts will be a tried and true tip, trick, hack, reminder, ideas or piece of inspiration to level-up your relationship/marriage that will be easy, quick, cheap and fun!
Even if you just implement one or two of these each week (take what works for you, leave what doesn't), this is EASILY the best and cheapest investment you'll ever make in your relationship.

Receive texts like these...
Life can be so serious and heavy - full of obligations and responsibilities. One of the best ways to combat some of that is to laugh, and it's even more powerful to laugh with someone 🤣🤣. Can you find a way today to laugh? Watch some You Tube, Netflix, or Tik Tok with your partner for a few minutes.🎥 Crank up the music and dance all crazy.💃🕺 Pull off a little practical joke. Have FUN! 😎
Shift your thoughts, shift your relationship. Notice when your thoughts take a negative turn toward in your relationship. When this happens, reframe your thoughts. For example, if you notice yourself thinking "I wish we wouldn't argue so much", flip it to "It would make me happy if we had more patience and understanding with each other." Now you know what you DO want & can work to create THAT!
We go to lunch with friends and co-workers, but when was the last time you had a lunch date with your partner? Especially if the kids are in school and so many of us working from home, now would be a great time to skip the pb&j and get out of the house for an hour or two midday! How fun with that be?
A little tough love for today: If you think relationships are 50/50, then you are half-assing it! 🙄🤯It's a mindset shift. For a relationship to be successful, you both bring your BEST (i.e. 💯) to each other. Now, 💯 might look different day to day or year to year. It's also about believing "I'm 💯 invested in this relationship" and then having your actions support that!
Do you and your partner have "your song"? 🎶❤️🎶 You know, the one that reminds you of a special moment in your relationship. When was the last time you played your song and looked back on the reason it is so meaningful to you? Might be fun to pull it up on Spotify when spending time with your partner and just take a few minutes to reminisce with each other! Maybe sing along🎤 or dance it out💃🕺!
Gratitude is a game-changer! Time to take out a card and write something like "Dear ____, I know I don't tell you "Thank you" often enough. I'm so grateful for all you do and who you are for me/our family. Thank you for ______, and make a list to fill up the card of all the big, little, serious and silly things that you are grateful for! Not only for what they do, but who they ARE for you! 🙏❤️

Thousands of dollars of coaching, all for less than a coffee each week.
As someone who was divorced twice by 35 and spent well over a decade studying, learning and experimenting with what it takes to create a great relationship, it's my MISSION to share my wisdom, and help others stop the suffering, struggling and settling that happens in so many relationships/marriages.
And so I created this super-accessible and super-doable opportunity for ANYONE to level up their relationship or marriage.
With a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL and then just $14.99/month (less than $180/year), you'll literally get thousands of dollars worth of coaching in your pocket that could change your relationship for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
You can certainly just "do" what the texts tell you to do, which will certainly help your relationship.
And then you can take it to the NEXT LEVEL, and really learn and embody the lessons that the texts share with you to take your relationship to the NEXT LEVEL.
And I'll even go so far as to say that if you follow the prompts and take the tips, tricks, perspectives seriously, it could save you from divorce. And let me tell you that the average cost of divorce (legal fees only) hover between $15,000-$30,000.
The gold is that it's always accessible to you. It's not here and gone, much like information in a workshop or counseling session.
It's in your pocket for reference whenever you need it.
With a 7 DAY FREE TRIAL and the ability to cancel at any time, you have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!

Relationship Revolution In Your Pocket
Every month
A daily text (Mon-Fri) of tips, tricks and inspiration to strengthen your relationship.
Valid until canceled
7 day free trial